Toukokuussa 2007 Stokkesta tuli yllättäen Internet-ilmiö, kun suosittu urheiluaiheinen blogi kehui hänen ulkonäköään. Toukokuun 29. päivä Stokkesta ja hänen suosiostaan tuli etusivun uutinen The Washington Postissa. Kaikki tämä huomio ei kuitenkaan ollut 18-vuotiaan seiväshyppääjän mieleen. Tapaus herätti keskustelua Internetin voimasta, oikeudesta yksityisyyteen, sekä kaksinaismoraalista, joka liittyy naisurheilijoiden arviointiin ulkonäön eikä niinkään saavutusten perusteella.[9] Euroopan suurin viikoittain ilmestyvä aikakauslehti Der Spiegel nimesi verkkosivuillaan kesäkuussa 2007 Stokken "seksisymboliksi vasten tahtoaan."
Toukokuussa 2008 Stokke voitti CIF-Southern Section Mastersin. Kesäkuussa hän eteni osavaltion finaaleihin tuloksella 373 cm, mutta jäi lopulta kilpailussa neljänneksi.Stokke sanoi, että hän tunsi kipua jaloissaan, mikä vaikeutti vauhdinottoa. Vuodesta 2008 lähtien Stokke on hypännyt opinahjonsa Kalifornian yliopiston (Berkeley) väreissä.
Toukokuussa 2009 Sacramentossa Stokke rikkoi kaksi vuotta vanhan oman ennätyksensä ja kirjasi uudeksi lukemaksi 421 cm. Halliennätys 407 cm syntyi Seattlessa tammikuussa 2009.
One day Allison Stokke was a just a pretty high school athlete and the next she was an international Internet destination, although not by her own choice. Miss Stokke's photograph was taken during a high school track meet, where she was preparing to compete in the pole vault, and someone posted it to a web site. It didn't take long for other less reputable sites to pick up the image and set off a round of Stokke-mania on the worldwide web.
Miss Stokke isn't just a pretty girl; she's a pretty girl who happens to be a tremendous athlete. She was the California pole vaulting champion and is on scholarship at the University of California. She wanted to be known for her athletic accomplishments rather than purely for her looks.
The problem began to surface in 2004 when she began to receive messages from her friends that her photo had been seen on the Internet. She had 1,000 new messages on her social network site and a YouTube video of her being interviewed had been viewed 15,000 times.

Allison Stokke interviewed at 2009 Brutus Hamilton Invitational. If you liked this video, please visit for the latest on track and field results, videos, news, records, athletes and coaches:
Miss Stokke isn't just a pretty girl; she's a pretty girl who happens to be a tremendous athlete. She was the California pole vaulting champion and is on scholarship at the University of California. She wanted to be known for her athletic accomplishments rather than purely for her looks.
The problem began to surface in 2004 when she began to receive messages from her friends that her photo had been seen on the Internet. She had 1,000 new messages on her social network site and a YouTube video of her being interviewed had been viewed 15,000 times.

Allison Stokke interviewed at 2009 Brutus Hamilton Invitational. If you liked this video, please visit for the latest on track and field results, videos, news, records, athletes and coaches:
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